(Not-so) FAQ


The novel “The Shadow Hero’s Everyday Life” belongs to its original author, Yuusaku Sakaishi.

Q: do you know japanese?

No, I only have a very rudimentary knowledge of Japanese from Anime, Manga, Light Novels, Web Novels, Video Games, Streamers, etc. One of my motivations for translating this novel as a way to try and learn Japanese. With regards the finished products, they are a result of looking at translations from free websites such as Google Translate, DeepL, JapanDict, etc., and editing the output based on how I understand it. So I am not a translator, per se, but more of an editor. My first language is English, at least, so my work should be readable (This answer serves as a disclaimer for the quality of what you see on this site). Sorry in advance if it isn’t.

Q: You translated/wrote [x] as [y] last time, which one is the correct one?

Please comment about any inconsistencies, possible errors, or any other incomprehensible wordings, and I’ll try to either correct it or explain why. As stated earlier, I am not fluent in Japanese. I often go back and fix previous chapters to make them consistent.

Q: is there a release schedule?

Right now, my goal is to catch up to where the Manga is in the story, then hopefully, regularly release chapters. I’ll try to aim for daily releases until then, but I make no guarantees about anything. Please note that I am but a single individual, with some real-life stuff to attend to, so please keep this in mind and keep your expectations low.

Q: Why is this site so ugly?

Yeah, sorry about that. It’s been a while since I’ve last used WordPress to make a site. I’m still in the middle of tweaking things, such as formatting, to hopefully make it better. In the meantime, please deal with it.

Q: What are your Future plans?

I’m currently toying with the idea of adding chapter summaries/TL;DRs, arc summaries/TL;DRs, dedicated posts for Translating/Editing Notes, Character Descriptions (both with Spoilers for the arc and without), Glossary of Terms (Demonic Beasts, Magic, etc.), and posts detailing the differences between the Web Novel and Manga. I’ll probably be making a PDF file for the translated Web Novel chapters (no Illustrations). I might also translate BookWalker’s Free Trial Reading of the Light Novel.

Q: Will you be picking up other series?

I don’t think I will be picking up any other series in the near future. If I do pick up another series, it will probably be when I catch up to the raws of The Shadow Hero’s Everyday Life. If, after finishing the Third Arc, the author hasn’t ended his hiatus, I will consider either picking up another series or uploading my version of the First Arc. As for the criteria of picking another series, I’ll only pick it up if I like the story, so I’ll apologize in advance if we have different tastes in novels. A large enough demand might make me settle for a series I find tolerable.

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